Thank you for your interest and your
subscriptions at the AUDIO LOGO DATABASE!

We hope we have been able to provide you with helpful and informative insights over the past years and thank you in particular for your submissions and your assistance in documenting a diverse inventory of audio logos.

Maintaining, administration, and broaden a large number of data is - as you probably know - one of the biggest challenges to ensure data quality. But that does not only mean effort in data management and IT, but also an editorial effort to keep data up-to-date and to screen new sounds.

We would like to expand the inventory (to represent our acoustic environment), but unfortunately cannot meet this effort in the future and, so we have decided not to continue this service.

Finally, we offer you some insights of the Audio Logos collected in this Database:


The database contains audio logos of 295 brands from 25 different countries. Sometimes more than one Audio Logo version is assigned to a one brand. The largest group is made up of audio logos from Central Europe, representing a total of 65%..

TOP 10 Industries

Classified according to industries, industries such as "food & drink", "tv, film & entertainment", "transport and accommodation", and "automotive" represent nearly the half of all audio logos. Here we have listed the 10 most strongly represented industries.

Variety of Audio Logo Design

If we want to document and systematize the rich variety of design possibilities of audio logos, we can work out certain design clusters. The character of an audio logo is predominantly melodic-tonal, noisy or vocal. Audio Logos in the category "melodic" made up 45% of the total, making them by far the largest category. Although this division is almost obvious, it also makes sense, since instrumented and vocally arranged audio logos can differ in their application and perception as well as those with noisy sound design.

Synergies with brand elements

Branding is multisensory: A look beyond the boundaries of audio reveals more or less conspicuous synergies with other brand elements - a conceptual approach that is gladly and often followed by the respective composers. Most common synergies are syllables (in the brand name or claim) or visual elements, followed by similarities in the number of sounds and letters or words in the claim or brand name.

Number of Events

To indicate the length of an average audio logo, literature often mentions a length of 5 tones. We can confirm this number. 95% of audio logos have a number between 1 and 12 tones. According to the graphic the MIN = 1, MAX = 12 with a MEDIAN=5. This means that most audio logos tend to be composed with 5 sounds also with a relatively limited pitch range or ambitus of a fifth. Most audio logos also have a homogeneous structure and sound "in one breath", while only 5% contain more than 12 tones.

Melodic Progression

We have documented the characteristics of melodic progression in the clusters ascending, descending, wavelike, concave, convex, and horizontal and were able to observe that we most frequently (with over 50%) work with short wavelike and/or ascending contours. Less represented are strictly concave shapes and audio logos with rigid melody lines without movement.


Not surprisingly, the piano is one of the most frequently represented instruments. But also, synthesizer sounds, the human voice, strings, percussion sounds, and wind instruments belong to the popular representatives.

The Way the Voice is used

The expression of the voice (if available) is used very differently in audio logos, for example as a „spoken" voice, „singing", „whispering", „whistled", „humming" or „screaming" voice. The female voice is much more frequently used for "singing" and the male voice is much more frequently used for "spoken", while the overall representation is fairly equal (approx. 36%). However, the use of a choir or children's voices is rather rare. In the end, almost a quarter of the vocally staged audio logos fall under the category "undefined” because voices with effects are strongly distorted here or the voice is quite gender neutral.